Alessandra Serina

Alessandra Serina was born in Crema in 1976. She began to sculpt marble since she was a child under the guidance of her father and grandfather. She attended training courses in sculpture in Carrara collaborating with Italian and international artists who entrusted her with the execution of their works.

She holds the position of artistic director in important restoration of works and monumental marble complexes. She has both personal and collective exhibitions where she exhibits his sculptures inspired by a neo-pop iconism and design objects that highlight a skillful technique combined with a refined choice of stones and metals. Her laboratory is in via De Chirico in Crema.

“My research takes shape from the encounter between matter and emotions. I love the work done with the precision of the ancients but full of irony and desire. Art expresses intimacy through a universal language. I narrate a mobile identity in constant evolution, capable of hosting opposites. I am stimulated by current affairs and by the world around me. I consider the quality and the extreme care of the materials, the study and the knowledge of the techniques that make the realization of the shapes fundamental. I am attracted by the color carnality and the perfection of the lines. I recognize the strength of the image and believe in the primitive energy of the stone. Through my works, I allow myself the possibility of overturning the ordinary by relying on fantasy, taking care of detail and daring contact with freedom “.

Alessandra Serina